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Description: image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,-image segmentation: introduction of graph cut, grab cut, normalize cut,...
Platform: | Size: 12322816 | Author: Yun-Ru Sun | Hits:

[Software Engineeringnormalize

Description: 将opencv库中的normalize函数用c++实现出来,实现对图像的归一化处理-Opencv library will normalize function with c++ actualized, realized the image normalization process
Platform: | Size: 3143680 | Author: 李元 | Hits:


Description: 熵权法是一种客观赋权方法。它十分复杂,计算步骤如下: a.构建各年份各评价指标的判断矩阵: b.将判断矩阵进行归一化处理, 得到归一化判断矩阵: c.根据熵的定义,根据各年份评价指标,可以确定评价指标的熵。 d.定义熵权。定义了第n个指标的熵后,可得到第n个指标的熵权。 f.计算系统的权重值。(Entropy weight method is an objective method of empowerment. It is very complicated. The calculation procedure is as follows: A. construct the judgment matrix of each evaluation index in each year: B. Normalize the judgment matrix and get the normalized judgment matrix: C. According to the definition of entropy, the entropy of the evaluation index can be determined according to the evaluation indexes of each year. D. define entropy. After the entropy of the NTH index is defined, the entropy of the NTH index can be obtained. F. calculate the weight of the system.)
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: 名字好难 | Hits:


Description: This program make normalization for picture and make its better
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: semo-86 | Hits:

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